Tina Miletich

Tina Miletich

Tina Miletich is the founder and CEO of HEEDGroup.

Where does insight come from and why is it so important to business?
Business Insight, Understanding Data, Creativity, Insights, Creative Formula, Marketing Insights, Customer Data

Dec 11, 2017 4:57:37 PM

Where does insight come from and why is it so important to business?

 I recently had an interesting conversation over lunch about being prescient in life and business. After discussing Jeff Bezos’ drone delivery initiative, a very accomplished colleague of mine and leader in his industry was talking about an interview he gave in the late 80's in Fortune Magazine.

Building brand awareness in an age of increasing competition
Digital Transformation, Digital Strategy, Human Computer Interaction, User Interface

Jan 8, 2017 5:02:03 PM

Building brand awareness in an age of increasing competition

In the new, global marketplace, it’s more complex—and more important—than ever to build brand awareness. In nearly every industry, competition is fierce and it’s harder than ever to capture your potential customers’ attention. The only way to effectively deal with this challenging situation is to...

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